Strawberries in : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I would kindly like to know if anyone could give us advice on what variety of stawberries to plant for a home garden here in NC. We live in the ourskirts of Raleigh, NC. We sure would like to harvest a crop this year possibly. We will probably order from Summons Berry Farm.Thank your time. Patty
-- Patty Forster (, March 31, 2002
Hello Patty, Happy Easter! I planted 'Sweet Charlie's' last year and they have done very well--even with all the grass and late freezes. I dug them up( about a month ago) and replanted them in another bed and they have blooms. Good luck and let us know what variety you go with and how they do! Always looking for better varieties.
-- Debbie T in N.C. (, March 31, 2002.
we are making plan on moving to SC/NC in the near future. Can't wait until I can have strawberries earlier than the 4th of July from my garden !!!
-- Helena, (, March 31, 2002.