Looking for land in SW Coloradogreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Looking for 10-40 acres of irrigated land in the Cortez/Durango area to create a small-scale sustainable vegetable operation and sustainable living center. Focus on permaculture, renewable energy, Strawbale and cob building, and CSA (community supported agriculture). We are a dedicated couple set on creating our ideas into a reality. Contact Jagger or Melanie: funkfarmer@eforu.com, (970) 461-8879, or Guidestone Farm 5943 N. CR 29 Loveland, Colorado 80538.
-- Chris Jagger (funkfarmer@eforu.com), March 31, 2002
Hi, Chris, from the southwest. Well, I hope you've got plenty of money. I was looking there last year and it's pricey. How does $10K per acre sound to you?? Cortez is a nice town, though. There are land laws in Colorado now that prevent a well being drilled on anything under 35 acres... something the realtors forget to tell you. If you look closely, all those big ranches have been bought up and subdivided into 35+ acre parcels.. most turned into "planned communities" or "gentleman ranchettes". You CAN get that much land & more, and the price starts to go down, but therein starts the 'fun' of getting a well drilled and utilities to it. And most of those parcels are FAAAAAAAR from hookups! But, if you went solar, that won't be a problem, I guess. I got flustered that Dolores & Cortez were out of my price range & started looking around Dove Creek, so you might check that out. It's flat & on that western slope, but very pretty farm land. However, truth be told, I am in the cancer 'business', and was concerned about the downwind effect from uranium mines and water quality. But everyone says that's bogus. I'm not so sure. Look closely; ask questions.Well, I ended up staying here in NM and moved out to 'nowhere' 50 miles east of Albuquerque. It's flat, it's windy, lots of mo-bile homes, dogs on chains (or running in packs), and cars on blocks... and, go figure, I love it! It isn't the prettiest section of NM, but it's still reasonably priced, and I'm only an hour from Santa Fe if I need an art fix or to go to the SF Farmer's Market. I wish you luck in your search; there are many like-minded people in SW Colorado, and it is a magical, spiritual place. Check out Mancos, too. debra in nm, home of happy goats.
-- debra in nm (goatgirl@unm.edu), April 02, 2002.