What's the catch - land for sale near Annapolis Mo.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
There is a great chunk of land for sale in the Annapolis area, appearently hunting and fishing land owned by the one and only Ross Perot. It is broken up in decent sized chunks (3 to 20 acre lots) with no down payment and what seems to be pretty good monthly payments (about 172.00 on 10 acres). They'll finaance despite credit rating (!) and all you have to do is show up with the first month's payment. It adjoins Mark Twain Natl. forest up there.So what gives? Does anyone up there know if there is something wrong with the land or the restrictions? Anyone living in the area please help. If it is on the up and up, it seems like a really good deal.
-- Soni (thomkilroy@hotmail.com), March 30, 2002
Only catch is the lots are pie shaped ;~)
-- Diana in FL (dvance4@juno.com), March 30, 2002.
Check with the county clerk for that area, and ask for information on that land, may cost you a few dollars, but it will be accurate information.
-- BC (desertdweller44@yahoo.com), March 30, 2002.
Lack of jobs or services might play into the picture. Ozarklandco.com has been doing this for years, same state.
-- mitch hearn (moopups@citlink.net), March 30, 2002.
didnt know there was a mark twain natl forest there,,I knwo there is one in Missouri
-- Stan (sopal@net-pert.com), March 30, 2002.
Stan, the last time I looked Mo. is the abreation of Missouri.
-- me (justme@here.com), March 30, 2002.
Damn these new glasses,,I thought it said Mn., ok, makes sense now,, I'll bet the downsized Ft Leanardwood,, I KNOW that borders alot of that forest,, if any of it has to do with range 17,, DONT buy it,,I know for a fact,, we buried over a TON of unexplodeed munitions there
-- Stan (sopal@net-pert.com), March 30, 2002.
I have 40 acres near there for sale @ 600 an acre. Thats the going price in Iron and Reynolds co. The Ross Perot ground is much more expensive. Its not hard to get owner financing with a land contract. The area just does not have any jobs.
-- Mark Cummins (dmcummins@yahoo.com), March 30, 2002.
I can see parts of the Mark Twain national Forest from our farm. We live right over the border on a mountain top in AR. The problems may be this, as it seems to plauge folks who buy cheap land here in AR. First, it may be expensive to drill a well and septic, due to tons and I mean tons of rocks. Then the access to ph and electric may be very expensive. Folks here give up after they learn that it will cost 15,000 or more to put in electric and a phone line.The job market isn't that great as mentioned. I teach special education which is a very highly scarce field, but not in AR/MO still wonder where all the kids are.
Hmmmm Bill or Hillary had land they sold in AR.
-- Bernice (geminigoats@yahoo.com), March 30, 2002.
I go to that area alot with my job. Here is the list. No jobs, no towns, nothing but rocks and hills. The roads are horribly curvy up and down. Very few services in the county. Basically your out in the middle of nowhere. I think there is only 2 school districts in the whole county and they are small. If you go 1 inch into the ground you hit granite, so nothing grows except scrubby trees. but if you like the scenery and the local folks on the movie Deliverance, it WoulD be your kind of place. It does have some great state parks there.
-- randy in central missouri (rwybrant@coin.org), March 30, 2002.
Randy, you make it sound almost like heaven!
-- Laura S. (LadybugWrangler@somewhere.com), March 30, 2002.
If that's in Iron county, that explains it. I've seen lots of land locked parcels for sale there at $250 per acre. It's remote, not good land for farming. Truly, here in the Ozarks, if it's between $500-$1000 per acre, it's most likely decent or can be made so with a lot of hard work, but if you find something cheaper then that, start sniffing for a rat.
-- CJ (cjtinkle@getgoin.net), March 31, 2002.
you have to realize how isolated this area is. Its good for camping and thats it. The dear are so scrawney that they aren't worth killing. and when i say there is rocks, i mean rocks. Elephant rock state park has these huge red granite rocks, the are so weird looking. The worst is alot of people are cutting out all the trees to sell to chip mills. If you could make a living off the land there, i Would question if it was legal. I looked dOwn there, but i have to have a garden, and you wOuld have to haul alot of dirt in alot of places. Now, some low places coulD maybe be good for a garDen. Hey if i won the lotto, i might move Down there.
-- randy in central missouri (rwybrant@coin.org), March 31, 2002.
I guess I'll just have to give them a call and make an appointment to see the area. I was afraid it might be, say, full of lead mine tailings or some such "evil conspiracy", but then again, I am the paraniod type! If it's just remote and unpopulated, well - that's sort of the point. The goal is to try and live so that our cash expenses will fall somewhere between non-existant and dribbles and spits. So far so good - living with granny is cheap on the wallet and expensive on the hips - they do nothing but eat here. Easter dinner about laid me low! I nearly celebrated the ressurection with death by bean salad.
-- Soni (thomkilroy@hotmail.com), April 01, 2002.