any harm in leaving on m7 all the time?? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

any harm in leaving on m7 all the time; i.e. is there a drain (i understand about accidental exp, etc.). i leave my cle on all the time, with no apparent probs (i replace the battery about once every two years thru pretty heavy -- but usually meterless -- use). i guess i should ask, am i making a mistake with the cle?? thanks all!!

-- roger michel (, March 30, 2002


With my M6, I'd say that excessive battery drain is mostly traceable to slipping the camera into the case so that there is some pressure on the shutter release. If constant pressure on the release button causes the M7 meter to be constantly on, then it's going to be an issue there, too. Also there could be a slight current whenever the camera is switched on. If there is, then over time, that's going to add up. If I had an M7 I would leave it on all the time I'm shooting or carrying the camera; and turn it off before putting it in the case, or whenever not shooting for a few hours or more.

-- Bob Fleischman (, March 30, 2002.

I often forget to turn of the CLE and have not noticed a drain on the batteries.

-- Andrew Schank (, March 30, 2002.

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