Cooking Hint of the Day - Cutting Board : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
A lot of herbs and vegetables give off pungent smells and oils that can adulterate other foods; therefore, you should confine them to only one side of your cutting board. The other side you would use only for things like slicing fruit or anything else that might be affected by strong odors.To keep them straight, simply mark the end of my cutting board within delible ink.
-- Karen (, March 30, 2002
I inherited a wooden cutting board that my mother-in-law had inadvertently left on the electric element while it was heating -- I told my husband that the "O" side was only for cutting onions!
-- Marcia in MT (, March 30, 2002.
LOL!!!! I love that one!...Hummm, what kind of burn you make for the "fruit" side??????
-- Karen (, March 31, 2002.