I must say this Forum is a bit special

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

This Forum is addictive.Even those who i feel are "FULL OF THEMSELVES"have very bright minds and a lot to contribute.I am going to beem out for a week,My brain is tired,i will still read postings but need a rest.Regards ALLEN.

-- Allen Herbert (allen1@btinternet.com), March 28, 2002


Some of us are full of ourselves? And that comment isnt?

-- Joel Matherson (joel_2000@hotmail.com), March 28, 2002.

Maybe you right,can only try .

-- Allen Herbert (allen1@btinternet.com), March 28, 2002.

I agree, having tried the rest, this is the best! But some other resources are the Leica Users Group Archives, and LHSA, the Leica Historical Society of America.

-- Phil Stiles (stiles@metrocast.net), March 30, 2002.

I agree. It's a great forum with may types of people, hence, why it's great! I was pretty bored when the site was down.

-- Kristian (leicashot@hotmail.com), March 30, 2002.

You're right Allen,

Here I am with a twisted back and supposed to stay away from the computer. Being full of one's self is the basis of all public writing. Thank heavens most of what we get here is good.


Alex (OW!)

-- Alex Shishin (shishin@pp.iij4-u.or.jp), March 30, 2002.

Sorry Alex,

Not only does one have to be full of one's self to write publically, but also not be able to express it in a "normal" day, i.e. work, relationship, and/or otherwize, 8*)

-- chris chen (chrischen@msn.com), March 30, 2002.

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