Hood M-50 F2 to sell

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I did buy a new cron with the hood incorporate.I have a hood from my last cron.It is like a new hood 12538.Mind condition.I will ship anywhre. thank's By the way i paid about 875$us taxe included for the cron len.Is it a good price? Pierre

-- pierre cantin (cantinp@videotron.ca), March 27, 2002


is that 875 for a new lens? or a used one? if it is used it was a bad price.

-- Matthew Geddert (geddert@yahoo.com), March 28, 2002.

Matthew It is a new len.

-- pierre cantin (cantinp@videotron.ca), March 28, 2002.

Well, then if it is a "real market" (not grey market) lens with a passport warranty you did pretty well (especially considering the weakness of the Canadian dollar right now - i am just guess yo uare are from there due to your email address).

-- Matthew Geddert (geddert@yahoo.com), March 28, 2002.


I am happy that you say that i paid a good price.You right i am french canadian you can see by my english accent.I went to new york 2 week ago and your right the canadien money is weakness.I pretty sure it is less expensive to buy leica in canada then usa. See you


How much do you want for the lens hood? I have a used 50/2 Summicron made in Canada. I assume it will fit that lens (???).


-- Dayton P. Strickland (daytonst@bellsouth.net), March 30, 2002.

Thank's all. People on this site ara very kind. It is sold. pierre

-- pierre cantin (cantinp@videotron.ca), March 31, 2002.

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