: LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
You know those gems that you can buy in craft stores that look like flattened marbles? You can glue a picture on the back (even magazine pictures work great) and then glue a magnet to the back once the glue on the picture is dried.
I glue the gem to the magazine page or picture and then cut out around it with an x-acto knife once the glue is dried.
I use Aleene's tacky glue and rather strong, round magnets. I like to use the larger gems as well.
I think that these would really make great gifts -- you could take favorite family photos, make color copies of them, and then glue a piece of the copies image on the back of the magnet.
I found some examples online. Click for images:Example One
Example Two
Example Three, March 26, 2002
I LOVE THESE!!! but I am just sick. I recently covered a windowsill with flat marbles (get it-a marble windowsill;^) ) If I'd known about this I could have put my kids pictures on it. I am so bummed. I know! I can do a table.
-- Gayle in KY (, March 27, 2002.