chicks : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hello , everyone i saw that someone told you about my chicks being ready to sell, but the phone # was wrong it is 812-366-3115 we are in souther In. and the first hatch is as of today over 400 of the 550 put in. We will have ducks in a few days. And the next hatch was put in on the 18th. We sell the chicks to pay for the food of the layers and our meat chickens. So if you are in need give me a call. We have a mixed flock of Rhode island red, Sexlink, Leghorn, Arcona, Barred rock Thanks Vickie
-- vickie (, March 25, 2002
Hi Vickie, What breed(s)of ducklings will you have and do you ship? Also, what is your minimum for shipping if you do? WOW you have a lot of peeps around. What fun! Spring is just great isnt it? LQ in So. Oregon
-- Little Quacker (, March 26, 2002.