Need Recipe for 1000 Island : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
Does anyone have a recipe for 1000 Island Dressing that you have tried? I've tried 2 different recipes (one with hardboiled egg and one without)and haven't been happy with either. I'm looking for one that tastes like store bought (per my DH's request). Thanks in advance for your help!
-- Cindy in NY (, March 25, 2002
I ran a restaurant about 10 years ago and we used a very simple recipe for 1000 isles dressing and I still use it today. just put some mayonnaise in a container. add some pickle relish. (drain the juice off as much as u can.) stir in some catsup until it's the right color. I love it and hope u will too. let me know.
-- dot payton (, March 25, 2002.
Here's a recipe our family loves: 1 can tomato soup, 2/3 cup vegetable oil, 2/3 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup catsup, juice of 1 lemon, 1/4 vinegar, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp paprika, 1tsp dry mustard, 1 small onion minced, 1 small green pepper minced. Cook together for 10 minutes. Cool. Blend in mixer with 1 quart Miracle Whip. Makes a lot, but is delicious and soon gone! Enjoy! JoAnne
-- JoAnne Gosen (, March 25, 2002.
Cindy, here is a favorite of ours and tastes better than the ones in store----really simple too-----1 cup of catsup--- 1 cup of mayonnaise- -3 tablespoons of sweete pickle relish---refridgerate and enjoy!!
-- Diane (, July 05, 2004.