Someone asked for chicks in S. Indiana (N. of Louisville) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

A few days ago someone asked where to find chicks in Southern,IN north of Louisville, KY. Try Duffy Tree Farm, near New Salisbury, they have them, have several breeds, $1.00 ea. Phone number: 812-282-2603. My only connection with them is I plan to buy chicks from them. This is my first post here, BlueRiver

-- BlueRiver (, March 24, 2002


That was me - I picked up 'em three weeks ago from Georgetown Feed. Thanks for the info though...

BTW - I notice by your e-mail your from Washington County. Me too, in Jackson Township


-- Rudy (, March 24, 2002.

Yeah, I'm in Howard Twp. Startin' to think about gardening. I'll check out Georgetown Feed for chicks too. Does anyone know if there is inbreeding problems with roosters and hens from the same "litters"? Thanks, BlueRiver

-- BlueRiver (, March 24, 2002.

Hi Blueriver, I live in Morgan county.... gregg township.... Glad to have you adding to the wealth of information here.... I love to learn new things....

-- Kristean Thompson (, March 24, 2002.

hi thank for posting our chicks for sale but the phone number is 812- 366-3115 we have about 300 ready for you .thanks vickie

-- vickie (, March 25, 2002.

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