Has anyone ordered from Gardeners Choice?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have had a bad experience with them and would like to know if it was just one of those or has any one else ever had a bad purchase?I placed an order and It was 3 months to get my plants.When I did get them after many emails ( could not reach them by phone)Automatic response. They were dead,I sent them back to the company and no response and no money back.The plants went back to a drop off point,I did find that out.Pam

-- Pam (pams65@hotmail.com), March 24, 2002


I think they were discussed awhile back. Most had very negative things to say. I got ripped off by them a few years back.

-- bruce (niobrara55@hotmail.com), March 24, 2002.

I'm so glad you posted, I was just thinking of ordering some stuff from them. Another set of companies I've had trouble with are: Burgess & Farmers both had Bloomington,IL addresses(I think it may be the same company running under different names); both of the catalogs were full of beautiful specimens and the prices were cheap so I place very large orders- plants/trees came either dead or substituted even though I'd been specific about NO substitutions. When I tried to get my money back it was useless. Next time I order from an unknown company I'll use a credit card, at least with my American Express I'm protected. Sorry you got burned by an unreputable company but glad you posted. Letting others know which companies don't fulfill their promises will help all of us & hopefully put the bad business out of business. Peace, Kathy

-- Kathy Aldridge (beckoningwinds@lycos.com), March 24, 2002.

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