How to find property and homestead in Onondaga cty? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We are looking for a place to homestead in the Onondaga County or someplace east of DeWitt. The idea of homesteading has been with us a long time - we just do not know how to get started and what the laws are in this area. Does one buy the title for property - file for a site to homestead - or ??? thanks for any help that you may give us.
-- Sherman Thompson (, March 23, 2002
file for a site to homestead? Those days are long gone, especially in New York. You might take a look in the archives under 'land', lots of info there.
-- Dave (, March 23, 2002.
No clue what you are exactly talking about .Look for land for sale , buy it and homestead works for me.
-- Patty {NY State} (, March 23, 2002.
Sherman, homesteading is a state of mind as much as anything. Find an old farm that you like and buy it and you're up and running. But be sure that the place you purchase is not so close to town that the zoning regulations are going to deny you livestock. Frankly, any place close to Syracuse is quite likely to have regs in place, so be sure to check with the township offices to make sure you won't be running into problems this way.
-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (, March 23, 2002.