Yaks - Where do I get a few?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am interested in purchasing a few yaks to raise for dairy, hair, and later meat. I was wondering if anyone knew where I could purchase a few. I will be moving to southern Colorado, so near there would be the best, but I am willing to travel a fair distance if the price is right.
-- Kevin Vaughn (Kevin_vaughn@miltfree.k12.or.us), March 22, 2002
Try Mopngolia. I( have never heard of anyone keeping Yaks. You may have to travel a very great distance. Best of luck. JC
-- John Clark (johndiclrk@Elroynet.com), March 22, 2002.
Right now I am sitting in Western Arkansas, about a hundred yards from 3 bull yaks and 3 cow yaks. Do alot of research into whatever animals you get and insist on vet inspections and blood work. My little 80-something neighbor lady bought these yaks from someone in either Colorado or Montana and was really ripped off. They were tubercular, won't breed, one cow has a chronic kidney/bladder infection, and she's gotten one calf in 4 years. She paid a small fortune, thinking she would get all of it back on the first calves, but it just hasn't proved to be true. They would probably do well in Colorado, but they really suffer with heat and humidity. She wants to sell, so if you are interested, e-mail me privately and I'll see what she says.
-- melina b. (goatgalmjb1@hotmail.com), March 22, 2002.
try www.yakheaven.com you should be able to find what you are looking for .let us know how it turns out Vince
-- vince (dove@epix.net), March 22, 2002.
Kevin, there are several breeders listed in the Rare Breeds Journal magazine. I know you probably have some close to you because the I.Y.A.K. had their national show and Yak sale in Denver awhile back. Here is one site you might check out www.maroon.com/yaks They are also being cross bred with cattle. I can give you a few more names if you are interested, but I don't have any listed in Colorado. The president I have listed for I.Y.A.K is Phil Wykle in Kooskia ID. e- mail me if you want his address and ph #. He might not be president anymore, but he might know where to get a list of breeders.Best wishes!
-- cowgirlone in OK (Cowgirlone47@hotmail.com), March 22, 2002.
Geez--I guess you don't need to e-mail me for his address and phone #, It's right there on his web site!! Oh-well! Best wishes.
-- cowgirlone in OK (cowgirlone47@hotmail.com), March 22, 2002.
Kevin, I know you asked about Yaks, but have you ever considered Scotch Highland cattle? They are less pricey than Yaks and are very similar for your use: meat, milk and hair. My neighbor has the dun ( chestnut ) color, most common, but has on occasion had a white bull and a black bull for deversity in color in the calves. He feeds them half the hay of a regular beef breed and even though the barn door is open all winter, they have rarely gone in preferring to turn their backs to the wind and clustering in groups in a storm.Very self sufficient and a regular cattle fence keeps them in.
-- Kate henderson (kate@sheepyvalley.com), March 23, 2002.
Lolli Brothers Exotic Auctions in Missouri have a sale coming up in April, and another in July. Call and ask for a catalog.I would suggest you check into the Highland cattle as well. I think the personality difference might be worth investigating. If you still want a Yak, do a Google search for web sites of breeders.
-- J McFerrin (JMcFerrin@aol.com), March 23, 2002.
A female yak is called a "tzo" in Tibetan. Tibetans think its very funny when people talk about "yak butter", because to them it's like saying "bull butter".
-- snoozy (bunny@northsound.net), March 23, 2002.
Hi...I live in Mt. and have raised Yak crosses for several years. Be careful where you buy. We have had a "closed" herd for several years to insure healthy animals. Any yak cross is called a "dzo" and any cross 1/2 or more is considered Yak by the USDA. First cross bull calves are sterile. Their meat is simalar to veal. Very tender and juicy. Crosses are much more gentle and carry the Yak traits!! Check out our web site for great photos and info http://www.blackfoot.net/~eddy/ Happy Yakkin'
-- Kelly Carrick (eddy@blackfoot.net), March 26, 2002.