MV Agusta 750s needed for Prestigious event : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hello All-Hello Kawasaki Owners-

I'm organizing a motorcycle show for Rockefeller Center in NEw York City. I'm trying to locate an MV 750s in mint condition in the Northeast USA area to put on display for 3 weeks. The show begins April 1 and runs through April 21. The show will be covered by the Today Show and a lot of other TV programs as well as magazines, newspapers, etc. There will be an opening party as well.

This is a great opportunity. Please let me know if you are interrested.

Regards, Don Ankorm

-- Don Ankrom (, March 22, 2002



Check your email at for response.


-- charles morgan (, March 23, 2002.

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