Great Pyrenese puppies : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I'm looking for a Lady who lives in Aiken, S.C. who has pyrenese puppies for free to good homes. I am from Indiana and had contacted her thru the internet but lost her E-mail and was hoping she would E-mail me to let me know the pups were ready. I haven't heard a word. Please if anyone knows her or of her let me know or let her know I'm looking for her. I also forgot how I found her on line, and just found her ad. Thank You, Kim Leathers

-- Kim Leathers (, March 21, 2002


Kim is this the address you're looking for? ( found it by doing a search on google for Great Pyrenese puppies and it led me back to this forum and a message from July of last year. She is from South Carolina. I hope this is what you're looking for.

-- Sheila in NC (, March 21, 2002.

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