Bucks, elasticers

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hello, I have checked the archives and don't see the answer to this question. I have sold my 2 1/2 month old bucks (pygmy) and I promised to band them. I have yet to get up with the man with the elasticer. I think I will be able to get it today. Is this too late to band the bucks? They are smaller than our Nubian but do seem to have quite a large "package". Your help is appreciated. Karole

-- Karole (Biz3boymom@aol.com), March 21, 2002



I don't think that they're too old. They'll probably be really squirmy to hold onto. Make sure you get both testicles banded and don't band his itsy bitsy teats. Make sure he has his tetanus shot too. And don't forget he'll need a booster shot if he's already had one. You don't want to use old rubberbands either. They can dry rot and break. I'm sure there's other's who could add a few things that I've forgotten.

-- Charleen in WNY (harperhillfarm@yahoo.com), March 21, 2002.

can you do this to male cats as well?

-- Cyndi in Ok (im2bzy2think@aol.com), March 25, 2002.

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