JAKE BEANSgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi All, While going through our seeds for the season, we came across a packet with the name Jake Beans.. we are at aloss as to where or WHAT these are. Thus begs the question: Does anyone have an answer as to what they are. Any help will be appreciated.Countrysiders forever!!!! Wayne Roach
-- Wayne & (LYN) Roach (R-Way@msn.com), March 20, 2002
could the word be "Jade" ?? that is the name for one of the newer varieties of bush green beans...
-- Bee White (bee@hereintown.net), March 21, 2002.
Could you be looking at some Jacob's Cattle Beans?
-- Okie-Dokie (tjcamp6338@aol.com), March 21, 2002.
More information: The beans are BLACK with a WHITE ridge on one side about 1/16"wide and 1/2"long. Don"t know what Jacobs cattle beans are either! Keep on sending someone will connect the dots. Thanks, Wayne
-- Wayne & (LYN) Roach (R-Way@msn.com), March 21, 2002.
I was curious so did a search on Google and Alta Vista and nothing came up. Also searched the Ferry Morris Seed company site and no such bean was listed. Looked in my Guerneys seed catalog and didn't see anything either. I'll be interested to see if anyone comes up with the information. Are you going to plant them? I would just to see what they are.
-- cindy palmer (jandcpalmer@sierratel.com), March 21, 2002.
Probably are Jake's beans, literarily. Might look at the calypso bean on Vermont Bean Seed site.
-- BC (desertdweller44@yahoo.com), March 21, 2002.
another thought..folks call any seed found in a pod "beans", even some trees..like locust and mesquite.perhaps if you searched for common names to trees/shrubs you could unravel your mystery? Jake is also a slang word for everything being OK..I vote for planting some too!
-- Bee White (bee@hereintown.net), March 23, 2002.