What company is recommended for ordering Strawberriesgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Whats a good Company to order strawberries from that isn't over priced or poor quality service. I'd like to hear experinces good and bad. jack
-- jack c (injack1@aol.com), March 20, 2002
Last year I ordered several different kinds of berry plants from Raintree Nurseries (they have a web site). They are located in Washington state. Although that is a long way from Kentucky the plants arrived in good shape and already sprouting.They have 2 year old stock and the plants are very mature and healthy looking. The plants did wonderful. First year gave us bountiful crops of berries.
I had tried Guerney's. The plants looked like twigs and died the first year. Never again.
-- Carole Kington (kington@duo-county.com), March 20, 2002.
I recieved 500 bareroot strawberries [cardnial & chandler]yesterday, from simmons berry farm in AR. they were well packed & had nearly intact root systems.[unusuall in my exp. for bare root strawberries.]they were, drumroll please......45.00 + 7.00 shipping, yes that's dollars not pesos. what a deal!
the simmons familiy running/owning the place will tell you the best seller/personal favorites & what others in your region are ordering.
http://www.alcasoft.com/simmons/ or do the search engine thang on 'simmons berry farm '
250 down 250 to go, anyone up to giving me a good back rub later? :O
-- bj pepper in C. MS. (pepper.pepper@excite.com), March 21, 2002.
I got a bunch from a Mich Gurney supplier last spring. They grunted & growned all summer.....bad news. I too hope I can find a better supplier.
-- Jim-mi (hartalteng@voyager.net), March 21, 2002.