Who will love these Chickens?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have a black hen (not sure of her breed) and 3 black cochin bantams. Things just aren't working out with them and my existing Wheaton Old English hen and rooster. They need a good home SOON. They are very tame and gentle. I am in MA near Boston/Providence/Cape Cod. Please contact me if you can find a good home for them. Thanks!

-- Lisa Cook (bass.cook@verizon.net), March 20, 2002


Good luck finding a good caregiver for your pets.

It is interesting that we love chickens when many people live without love. Who will love these people?

-- paul (primrose@centex.net), March 20, 2002.

Well Paul, all I can say to that last comment is that I've found most animals to be more worthy of love than most people. . . ; )

-- R

-- Renee Martin (icehorse@altelco.net), March 20, 2002.

I second that Renee...................

-- Jodie in TX (stanchnmotion@yahoo.com), March 20, 2002.

Paul, normal healthy people don't love animals *instead of* people. The more you love, the more love there is to go around. Loving animals should make a person more content and recharge their tanks so they can grit their teeth and do better at loving the cantankerous people in their lives LOL. Sorry about the mixed metaphors but typing in a hurry here.

-- Elizabeth in E TX (kimprice@peoplescom.net), March 20, 2002.

ms. elizabeth, you have not worked with/for the general public in a while, huh?[ grin & ;) ] go tell it on the mountain, ms. martin!

-- bj pepper in C. MS. (pepper.pepper@excite.com), March 21, 2002.

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