request for free Poultry Book : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Deaqr Sir,

Plz CAn you send me one POultry Book of chicken at my Home address i need it This is my Home Address R 97 Block 5 F.B Area Karachi,Pakistan post code 75950

Thanks & Best Regards

Syed Ali

-- Neo (, March 18, 2002


Is this weird or what?

-- julie (, March 18, 2002.

Maybe. I have a teenage nephew who types like this on chat rooms, and so do his friends.

-- Terri (, March 18, 2002.

what's weird about it? That is a legitimate address.

-- Dave (, March 18, 2002.

I have an extra poultry handbook, general type. I'll send it to you. This is mostly a place to have questions answered, and you are most welcome to ask questions here. What type of chickens or poultry do you raise? Jan in Colorado

-- Jan in Co (, March 18, 2002.

I'd say that Mr. Ali is from Pakistan, may not be very fluent in English, and may be confused about what site he is on. Still did a better job than I could have done if I'd had to post in his native language.

Mr. Ali,

What poultry book is it that you are talking about here?


-- Alan (, March 18, 2002.

I would say that he would need a poultry book in his native language, and the hotmail address looks English to me. Plus, how many people do you know that throw capital letters in the middle of a word? Maybe I aM PaRiOid. hehe

-- julie (, March 18, 2002.

Actually it looks like the way I type! I imagine you can get a Hotmail address even if you live in another country.

If I had the book I would send it to you. I know that things are rough in Pakistan right now. I have read that something as simple as a few chickens can really make a big difference in the health and diets of many families. I hope you are able to find the information you are looking for.

-- Melissa in SE Ohio (, March 18, 2002.

well, you never can tell but I don't think anyone needs to get paranoid over a chicken book. I know that's an actual postal address he gave. I wonder if anyone would question this if he was posting from anywhere else in the world other than that region...

msn/hotmail is used worldwide. All email addresses use english characters. For example, if you're using MSN Japan, the site, your emails and everything else will be in Japanese but your email address will still be english characters.

-- Dave (, March 18, 2002.

maybe if/when Chuck sees this, he can do a whois on the IP Neo posted with and that'd likely clear it up.

-- Dave (, March 18, 2002.


You may or may not get your book, but you can always get chicken questions answered quickly if you ask here, or at or

The latter two sites are forums specifically dealing with chickens. People there range from hobbyists to serious businessmen and there is always someone willing to help. Mac

-- Jimmy S (, March 18, 2002.

Interesting, I went to the USPS web site and typed in the zip code - came back "does not exist in our data base".

-- JustCurious (, March 18, 2002.

Bid deal, just curious. I live in the UK and mine doesn't come up either.


-- Alison Homa (, March 18, 2002.

cmon now. Pakistan is not in the US last I checked so why would it have a USPS zip code? jeez...

Karachi F.B. Area 75950

-- Dave (, March 18, 2002.

julie, maybe the guy wants a book in english? Some people do speak, read or write any other languages. Not long ago you gave someone else here an earful for being 'closed-minded'(they weren't) Did you switch sides?

You people do realize that Pakistan offered their airspace and military bases to the US to wage war from months ago? They didn't have to either, they did it out of good faith, to be our ally. For all you know, Syed Ali could be an American citizen. I know a few pakistanis who are, and some have gone to Pakistan to be with relatives with all that's gone on the past 6 months. Please stop making us look like 'ugly americans'

-- Dave (, March 18, 2002.

We have received e-mails from all over the world in regards to answers we have given on this forum. One was from a Chinese woman asking for information on a duck wormer. How far fetched is a chicken book from a duck wormer? No biggie, if you have an extra book send it and if you don't....don't worry about it. Most of us aren't ugly Americans and I don't believe for a minute that just because someone is more careful that they are an Ugly American either. We have had in the past some really wacko posts! Some people have even had some really bad e-mails and such. Some people are just a bit leary is all. No disrespect meant Mr. Ali. (Hey all,At least this post didn't involve rubber bands this time! Now those are harder to figure if they are serious or not!!) :~)!

-- Nan (, March 18, 2002.

ok sorry then. I'll be more careful next time. I didn't realize poultry books contained national secrets. Now I'm worried that I didn't tear out a few pages of highly senstive poultry info that maybe could be used against us. Whatever you do, don't let them find out any of our mulching or food drying methods.

-- Dave (, March 18, 2002.

I think since Dave left the fake emails have increased...I don't care if the person is really from Pakistan, that is not my point...I would be concerned if the person was from the Alqueda though...hehe I just think it is unlikely that someone would type while pushing the shift key. And I am not an UGLY American...but a good loooking American...LOL And I still think that the post that I blasted for being old fashioned about education was. PERIOD. In case you don't know, many kids/adults who like to mess stuff up type this way..............So get over my pArInOid StaTe Of Mind...lollolololol

-- julie (, March 19, 2002.

by the way...I am an American with an don't like it...tough. Could be the Yankee in me...hmmmmm

-- julie (, March 19, 2002.

After several years of reading this forum I've come to the conclusion that some folks just like being suspicious and judgemental and will be that way with any topic or post that doesn't fall into their narrow little view of what is "normal."

TaKeS aLL KiNDS To MaKe THe WoRLD Go aRouND. Fortunately, they're a minority in this forum.


-- Alan (, March 19, 2002.

ok. Have you ever seen a bilingual keyboard? Or better yet, tried to use one along with MSIME on a non-english version of Windows? Obviously not or you'd understand how easy it is to hit the shift key at an inappropriate time. Especially if you're not typing in your native language. My english typing on one of those is a much bigger mess than what Neo posted.

I highly doubt Al-qeada would be spending their time right now looking for chicken raising tips. There's probably just as many Al-qeada members in the US and Mexico as there is in Pakistan anyway.

My orignal point was this person was immediately met with suspicion. I've seen quite a few similar requests here and lots of bad typing that wasn't questioned. Please educate yourself on these matters, your stance is 'old-fashioned' ; )

-- Dave (, March 19, 2002.

Lighten up. I was not suspicious that it was an adult...suspicous that it was a kid trying to mess with the forum. That is a valid concern. Why did the person not reply to any emails? This is a dead horse. Maybe my sense of humor is warped. lol If Syed Ali emails me, I'll buy him a beer. hehe

-- julie (, March 19, 2002.

Maybe the airlines should have been suspicious. Just a thought.

-- julie (, March 19, 2002.

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