NEW QUILT PROJECT : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I had a great time (am still having!) with the quilt square swap. Apparently, others are too, because we have been e-mailing back and forth like mad lately! Thanks to all who sent quilt stories. Some of us were bemoaning the fact that we live far away from organized quilt groups with their nifty exchange programs, so, we thought-lets try one through the mail. We are also posting this on a couple of other forums-the Cooking and Crafts, and Country Families and whatever else might be interested. This time, Kristean Thompson and I are willing to co-ordinate-though, Nan, we will probably be coming to you for advice!

We thought maybe this time we could try a row exchange where each person does a row and send it to the next and on and on til the first person gets her original row back-which will be added on to by every one in the group. We thought something small-like lap quilt or wall hanging size. We also thought of using a patriotic theme-red, white, blue, stars and stripes sort of thing. If you are interested, let Kristean or me know by next Sunday night. We would love to hear suggestions or other ideas, comments anything. Of course we will give more details when we find out how many want to do this and what exactly we are going to do. You know, we need SOMETHING to do on those rainy spring days when we cant get into the garden!

-- Kelly (, March 17, 2002


Hooray!!!!!!!! I cant wait. I hope alot of you are as interested as I was. I posted on here so you would have my email handy also. I look forward to working with Kelly, she is such a sweet spirit and so generous. I think the patriotic theme is a great idea. Happy quilting.... Kristean

-- Kristean Thompson (, March 17, 2002.

I was so excited I went to Wally World and bought my flannel for the Fall quilt square swap. If I had known about the patriotic theme, I would have bought the material with the red, white and blue stars. Let me know more details. - Sheryl

-- Sheryl in NJ (, March 17, 2002.

It sounds like a good idea but have you thought about the expense of all those mailings? It'll increase with each row added and could get quite expensive depending on how many of us were involved. Have you thought about maybe a block exchange? I was thinking about starting a birthday block exchange(everyone picks a block they like and everyone else makes them one block for their b-day and sends it to them but it'd take a year of commentment from everyone to make it a success) I also bought my flannel and am ready for that exchange. I'm glad I'm not the only one excited about that!

-- Terri in WV (, March 18, 2002.

I like the block theme. I just couldn't guarantee time for a row in the spring. Maybe in mid winter I could. I am also waiting for the flannel exchange. It is like Christmas. Thank you to everyone!

-- Joanie (, March 18, 2002.

Count me in on the flannel and the red, white and blue! But my vote would be with staying with the squares. We probably all get busy at different times and/or may get down under the weather..the stress of not having something done when everyone is counting on me would be too much. I is like Christmas. I guess for a happy medium..maybe each of us could put together a four or nine square and pass it on put together.

What ever you all decide...I sure am glad we started this...I feel a tradition coming on!! Thanks everyone.

-- Sher (, March 18, 2002.

I'm sort of new to quilting but would love to be in on an exchange. I'm working on my second quilt right now it's a log cabin for a king size bed and I think that I bit off more then I can chew! LOL

-- shari (, March 18, 2002.

Will wait and see what everyone wants to do and then I am in with whatever is going on. Spring and Summer is a busy time of year, but if we kept it simple it would be do-able! Keep me posted on whatever is going on! I would hate to be left out:~)!

-- Nan (, March 18, 2002.

Count me in too on whatever you decide. Shari, I know the feeling. My first quilt was for a king size bed and it took me 7 years to finish. The next quilts I made were child size for my grandchildren.

-- Sheila in NC (, March 18, 2002.

I finally got my squares! Thank you everyone-it was so neat to see signatures from all over. What did you all use to write on yours? I used a fabric marker and mine came out fuzzy.

-- Terri in WV (, March 18, 2002.

I used a Sanford Sharpie-often sold in the laundry section of Wal- Mart of K-mart. I have found the fabric markers to bleed. The Sharpie was actually a little thicker and darker than I wanted, but my fabric markers on a scrap piece of fabric were either fuzzy or they didn't show up.

-- Kelly (, March 18, 2002.

Please pretty pretty pretty Please!!!!!Yes I would Love to do this one also....Let me know what I need to do,and I will also ask Ola again if she would like to join again..keep us updated..I have some nice R/W/B..I made a very pretty log cabin in R/W/B..2"wide to make time to learn how to post a But TOOOOOO busy with going through fabric cutting squares,and playing with the last square swap blocks..Oh and I would have to say that I think we just need to do the square swap as the last one,or something very close.and maybe sign the block to someone,(like I would sign~~~To Nancy In Colcord OK.!!Host!! (if applies) From Amelia Kay In Drayton,S.C. But its just a thought..Keep us up to date..I want to swap squares.. Happy quilting Ladys..........Amelia Kay

-- Amelia Kay Drennan (, March 18, 2002.

Please include me also. As I told Nan, her square swap encouraged me to do my FIRST quilt. I've spent time hand quilting with my husband's grandmother, but this is the first I've put one together myself. What fun I'm having! As a novice, I would like to participate as long is its kept simple or I have detailed instructions as to what's expected. I'm doing some homework-visiting quilt shops and perusing books. I think I'm hooked! I really liked the idea that some of the girls included more than just a signature-- more info means a more interesting quilt. Thanks for initiating another swap! JoAnne

-- JoAnne Gosen (, March 22, 2002.

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