How long goats will limp after vaccination and info about dehorning : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My son has 2 1/2 Boer 1/2 Spanish wethers he is going to show for 4-H. Two days ago I took them to the vet and had them dehorned and vaccinated against blackleg. The first day after their "ordeal" they started carrying their leg and limping some.(They are both carrying the same leg.) I was just curious how long they might "gimp". Their dehorning seems to be healing fine I have been spraying them with a yellow powder spray called furall and wiping down their ears with fly spray. The vet gave them a tetanus booster and a shot of pencillin after their surgery. I was curious though, they have ate good and all their functions are fine but,one of them 2 days after surgery isn't eating like it did the day of and the day after. It has some drainage in the nose but it is clear. Any ideas? I told my husband I wonder if their like people you usually feel o.k. the day after a procedure, but the second day-YUCK! Any reply would be appreciated. Thanks

-- Laura Wise (, March 17, 2002


Evidently, it's the way your vet gave the shot. They shouldn't limp afterwards.

-- ~Rogo (, March 18, 2002.

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