Skunk Odor : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anyone have and good ideas to get rid of skunk odor on dogs? I have two that managed to get sprayed and I am having a very hard time getting rid of the odor. Any suggestions would be appreciated.Thanks!

-- Barb Stiarwalt (, March 17, 2002


In the archives here there are a few posts about skunk odors. We ahve used tomato juice on the dogs before for the odor, however, it didn't seem to work well. I saw an article in a Countryside magazine a few yrs back for a skunk odor treatment, you mix half water, half and half peroxide some Dawn dish washing soap and spray on, this helps some.

But i found the best cure. Our black lab, Ebony Louise loved to go out for romps on warm yet foggy spring nights. She would come home just a stinking! I recall the first time the room smelled so bad and I swear I saw blue fumes, LOL:):) So after trying the tomato juice with no results I called my friend who is a dog groomer. he suggested using douche, yep, douche! I about fell over laughing on the phone a she told me this. So I went to the local food chain grocery store, Tops, and got some douche. It wa sa Sunday night, the store wasn't too crowded so I didn't feel too embarrassed. I got 4 boxes of the stuff. I went to the checkout and the cashier just looked at me sort of funny, i said it wa sfor my dog who just got into a skunk. The guy behind me laughed. I really began to wonder about me. I squirted the douche on her and the smell left. Hope this ehlps.

-- Bernice (, March 17, 2002.

equel parts of liquid dish soap, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda

-- Stan (, March 17, 2002.

I went to Walmart a few years ago to refill my horse first aid kit- KY jelly, rubber gloves, an enema, antibiotic creme pretty routine stuff. Well, it was about 8 o'clock on a Friday evening and I unload my stuff at the checkout and the guy behind me said, in a loudish voice, "Hot weekend coming up?" I must have turned 6 shades of red!

Anyway, I've had good luck with peroxide, baking soda, and dishsoap mixed together and left on the dog for 20 minutes then rinsed off. It will bleach some dog's coats-our golden lab/retriever cross turned an odd pinkish color.

Good luck, skunk smells terrible!

Stacy in NY

-- Stacy (, March 17, 2002.

Stacy,,,,,an enema, rubber gloves, and antibiotics,, are ROUTNINE??,, hmm,, so,, tell us about THOSE weekends

-- Stan (, March 17, 2002.

You're bad, Stan! This was routine stuff for the horse first aid kit, not my personal use. My weekends are very, very boring.

Stacy in NY

-- Stacy (, March 17, 2002.

Well,I think the baking soda, peroxide and dish detergent finally did the job. Thanks for all your answers, what a night!

-- Barb Stiarwalt (, March 17, 2002.

I just let it wear off, my dogs did not come inside, they were Outside dogs. I had one Australian Shepard that always went after skunks, but I had a fence around the yard and he would have to stay out. It wasn't really a bother, we had plenty of space, never in close quarters.

-- Esther (, March 17, 2002.

I have had good luck with the peroxide, baking soda and dish soap!! Last time Bandit played with the skunk I took him to "Bubbles & Bark" (a self serve pet wash, but they clean up the mess!) It worked so well the owners put the recipe on file, for others! Caution though don't get in the eyes it burns....I splashed some in my eyes while washing Bandit ouch. Also some dogs coats fade a bit but didn't affect Bandit (a black and white Border collie.) Denise

-- Denise K. (, March 17, 2002.

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