just starting black and white photographygreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread |
I have just started taking first year black and white photography at high school where we are learning about our cameras and how to develop and stuff, and i was just wanting to know if there are any tips you guys out there could give me. im 15 years old, im not doing it as a carrer thing, im just doing it for something different and fun. and i would like to be able to talk to someone through email about this kind of photography. if anyone can help with anything, either send me an email or reply here and i will email you. thanks a lot
-- Donna Blaikie (mad_purple_monkey@hotmail.com), March 16, 2002
Donna,Join a Camera Club. You'll meet more experienced people and you will benefit immensely from the contact. Also, the competitions that clubs have are a great experience. Humbling at times, but valuable!
-- Ray Henrikson (henrikr@mail.amc.edu), March 22, 2002.