Crafting Hint of the Day - Making Doll : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
To make hair for dolls, animals, use old sweaters. Unravel the yarn and you'll have yards and yards of curly "hair," ready to glue in place.
-- Karen (, March 16, 2002
My step daughter actually buys old sweaters at thrift stores, unravels them, winds the yarn into balls, and crochets them into really neat hats. Used sweaters are cheap, new yarn is not, and she likes to use cotton, wool, silk, etc, not acrylic. The hats she makes from these old sweaters are truly beautiful, wish I could post a picture of one.
-- Rebekah (, March 16, 2002.
Curly hair can be made by winding yarn around a long knitting needle size desired for amount of tight curl. Mist with water to wet, let dry on needle in oven at low temperature. Remove from needle and have curly yarn hair.
-- Marie (, March 16, 2002.