Any news on poultry shipping law? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Not long ago there was an article in the paper about the possibility of airlines refusing to ship chicks. Has anyone heard any more about this?

-- Jeff (, March 15, 2002


shipping of live poultry is fine,, just goign to cost more . Live bees,, can only ship within 4 zones,, so some place, they wont be avavilable

-- Stan (, March 15, 2002.

Look into - They have all the latest on poutry Q's

-- Joyce M. (, March 15, 2002.

That phase is temporarily over. Bookmark this site. These folks and their lawyers are the ones working so hard to keep us shipping our birds. The site will keep you up-to-date as to what's happening. Bird Shippers

-- ~Rogo (, March 16, 2002.

The site mentioned by Rogo above is very good----told me everything I needed to know. Thanks.

-- Jeff Baker (, March 16, 2002.

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