Road to Taman Negara(Kuala Tahan) : LUSENET : Mountain Bike Hash Forum : One Thread

Does anybody know any roads or trail(that can take at least motorcycle) leading to Kuala Tahan from Jerantut?

-- Jaa (, March 14, 2002


Jaa, I was speaking to James Yap a couple of weeks ago, and he mentioned having seen trails marked on the govt maps leading from the Jerangkang falls to Taman Negara. The 4wd crowd apparently does this 3 days, so bicycles should be able to wing it in 2, trail conditions permitting. Geoff Kronenberg also mentioned the same thing a week ago.

I'll e-mail the two of them to see if they can help you further. In the meantime, you should check out the Jabatan Pemetaan in Jalan Gurney. Directions to the Mapping and Survey Dept can be found here (


-- Joe Adnan (, March 18, 2002.


Here's the answer from James:

"For the 3 day thingy to Kuala Tahan fr Jerangkang, will like to limit the number in our ekspedisi.

All I know now: Partial GPS coordinates from 2001 Rainforest Challenge + 3 Maps + 20 km (previous reccee) into trail. That is all. Let this guy guy know that we'll surely put the report on the web after we establish it."

Maybe you can let us know if you do find the way through.


-- Joe (, March 18, 2002.

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