ritual abuse and abuse by paedophiles

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Direct action to stop abuse : One Thread

I have been abused since 8 years old. at 12 I wa!) s 'intoduced' to 'nice people who would look after me' by my brother. I was filmed photographed and eventually used by men and women for their pleasure I am finding it hard to accept that I am ever likely to get free an tho it is some years since I was made to work as a prostitute (or escort as it was called) I am constantly getting flash backs. I am in therapy at the moment but need to talk with someone in a similar situation. I don't think I should ever be forgiven for what I have done and I wondered if there are others out there who can help

-- Joan-Alexandra macLennan (jamacl180@hotmail.co), March 13, 2002



I can not imagine the depth of pain you must feel. I have never suffered in the way you have and wish i could offer some solice to you. There are people who care, who want to help, who will be there for you. You may not finf the right foot to fit your particular shoe immediately but never give up hope


-- sharon mitchell (veba123@hotmail.com), November 11, 2002.

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