Picking parsnips in Megreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Well, spring officially hit here on Saturday when I dug my first parsnips. My first goat kids hit the ground on Monday morning. Then I was called back to work at the farm where I spend the better part of my waking hours 3/4 of the year. The parsnips and the job call (and usually my crocuses, although they seem to be missing in action this year) are my usual signs of spring that get my blood moving. What are yours?Incidentally, this is also a sort of see-you-later. Once I get called back to work, I don't have so much spare time to hang around CS Forum. However, I'll still stop by when I can.
-- Sheryl in Me (radams@sacoriver.net), March 12, 2002
A week ago, 9" of snow and -9 temp. Since then, 2 days of thunderstorms followed by such strong prolonged winds that I had thoughts of going to bed in Wisconsin and waking up in Michigan. But that mistake by Mother Nature was quickly made up for by suddenly having tulips coming up so fast today that one could almost see changes hourly. In the garden, parsnips suddenly showing the first green leaves to show me where they are and that they are ready to eat. And steady stream of small flocks of Canadian geese passing overhead on their way to Horicon National Wildlife Refuge. And the forever "lost" house finches calling from there perches in the maple trees. And a pussy willow suddenly showing their catkins. It's as if we suddenly blown into Oz. Winter a week ago, spring today.
-- Martin Longseth (paquebot@merr.com), March 12, 2002.
I'm coveting your thawed grown Sheryl! In the north eastern part of Maine we've got a little snow and the ground is still frozen. Send it this way please!
-- Robin (MaineFarmMom@yahoo.com), March 15, 2002.
Robin and Sheryl...Here on the central coast of Maine we have no snow left, lotsa mud and the crocuses are blooming! Daffodils and dayliles are up about 5". I'm planting peas this weekend :-)!!
-- Marcia (HrMr@webtv.net), March 15, 2002.