Hong Kong Supplies on eBay?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Hi All -

I am considering buying a Tri Elmar lens on ebay and note that one company Hong Kong Supplies sells Leica cameras and lenses at greatly reduced prices. I know the limitations of buying from these outfits (grey market, only 1-year local warrantee), but I am mainly concerned with people's experience buying from this outfit.

Anyone have strong views one way or the other? B&H has this lens for ~30% more!

Thanks, Peter

-- peter (peter@ldeo.columbia.edu), March 12, 2002


I believe a similar question was asked yesterday, but I'll answer again. I ordered a 35 Summilux ASPH from Poon at Hong Kong Supplies in November. The lens arrived in three days and was in perfect, new condition. Poon was very courteous and replied to all emails within hours. The next lens I buy (24 Elmarit ASPH) will be from Hong Kong Supplies.

Highly recommended!

-- Luke Dunlap (luked@mail.utexas.edu), March 12, 2002.

I highly recommend him as well, having bought from him in the past. Another Hong Kong seller who I recommend even more highly is Anthony Lee. You can find his stuff on ebay by searching under his username, "amhlee." He has quite a bit of Leica, Rollei, Hassy, etc. and I have bought several (pretty expensive) items from him and received excellent service and quick shipping.

-- william carter (wmc@po.cwru.edu), March 12, 2002.

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