Crafting Hint of the Day - Getting : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
It is approaching springtime and time to get organized! Here are a few hints for organizing your crafting items:
- Storing ribbon reels on a hanger is wonderful. Then you just pull out what you need and keep it hung up!
- Keep those "wanting to make" items in a photo album and label them. It is much easier to find what your looking for this way.
- Tackle boxes are great for storing the sharper craft tools.
- Some people don't know that camera film containers have a chemical in them that is harmful to your body and are not recommend to use for crafting.
- Use clear shoe boxes for your smaller bottled paint and crafting tools. Then just stack and label.
- Nuts and bolts storage containers work well for keeping beads and button organized.
- Store rolls of ribbon on holiday wrapping paper tubes.
- Hangers are wonderful and so useful for so many things. Use your imagination and you will be amazed at how many different ways one can use them.
-- Karen (, March 11, 2002