Wanted boer or %boer goats!

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I'm searching for boer or % boer goats in WI,MN,IA or IL. I'm looking for breeding stock. There are several boer herds around here but, not any breeders with stock for sale that I know of.

-- Katie S (cashcrop90@yahoo.com), March 11, 2002


Katie, come to IN! There are lots of Boer producers here. Try www.windyacresfarm.com This is Carolyn Peevler. She has wonderful Boers, with fancy pedigrees. You could also try www.farmworldonline.com Are you looking for SA Boers? There are 4 ads in there for % on up. Or, I have two 1/2 reg. Boer does that I would part with. I bought them last summer, and they are not tame.

-- Judy in IN (whileaway3@cs.com), March 11, 2002.

I am looking for a Boer buck for this fall for my Boer/Ober doe. I REALLY want negative CL as I had a short run with it earlier... I am here in Indiana too! Are these Boers CL negative?

-- Gailann Schrader (gtschrader@aol.com), March 11, 2002.

I'm actually more interested in Kikos but, can only afford so much. I'm not looking for something I will have to go a long ways away to pick up. I already have decided to purchase Kiko buck this spring and plan to purchase a half dozen kiko doe in fall. Since I know a % boer will sell ok I think a half dozen % boer would be an excellent way to begin a herd. A Kiko buck bred to a boer/%boer doe will do almost as well as a kiko buck bred kiko doe in overall carcass merit.

-- Katie S (cashcrop90@yahoo.com), March 11, 2002.

Katie, Yes, the Kiko/Boer cross works very well. I purchased a Boer buck and a Kiko buck last spring, and just now have babies hitting the ground. I have a registered Kiko doe who gave me quads last Monday; also a high% Boer doe bred to the same buck that gave me twins. The crosses seem to have more vitality than the straight Boers. I'm sure that Carolyn is CL free. She has a nice operation.

-- Judy in IN (whileaway3@cs.com), March 11, 2002.

saw ad here in my local paper,but just the same I would like to inquire about prices for a bred boer doe.what is price in your area?

-- Dusty Ross (ourpinkroses@yahoo.com), March 11, 2002.

You folks are SCARY! Windy Acres Farm is located approximately 25 miles from my house!! Thank you very much!! Thanks thanks thanks!

-- Gailann Schrader (gtschrader@aol.com), March 11, 2002.

Hey Katie..thats where our buck (Barge) came from. He is three and a couple north of me bought him to use and found one (I think over there) that they liked even better...so we bought Barge. We know absolutely nothing about bucks..but he is a real honey. So nice..to us and the girls. He is huge..I am so glad that he has such a great disposition. He is 3/4 New Zealand and 1/4 South African. I am very tempted to get some boer does now.

Good luck...and gee..how lucky to be that close to them!..(Hey .. could you price some does for me?)

-- Sher in se Iowa (riverdobbers@webtv.net), March 11, 2002.

Could someone tell me what a Kiko goat is?

-- Sheila in NC (nannie@intrstar.net), March 11, 2002.

I don't know how to put these weblinks in so you can click on them to go directly to the sites. So you'll have to reme is the link to the kiko goat association. http://www.kikogoats.com . Or you can go to http://www.mountainmeatgoats.com There is actually probably more info there. Ruble is the president of the kiko goat association. It's his and another vip in the kiko goat association website.

-- Katie S (cashcrop90@yahoo.com), March 11, 2002.

Judy in Indiana, how do you get to the adds on www.farmwordonline.com? They used to have a link on their page to send you to the classifieds. Now nothing I click on will send me there. Do you have to subscribe now to get their online classifieds?

-- cindyf (cindy@tctc.com), March 11, 2002.

OOOOPS! I didn't realize that they didn't have a link to the classifieds online. I subscribe, and got the addy out of the paper. Let's see, there's an ad for 100% SA Boers in Carthage, IN, no price given, an ad for 3/4 and 7/7 crosses in Whitestown, IN at $175 to $225, an ad in College Corner, OH, for 1/2-3/4 $225, Boer ads in Shirley, IN and Holton IN, with no prices listed. I know that Carolyn has a waiting list for her does at $600, because I'm on it!

-- Judy in IN (whileaway3@cs.com), March 12, 2002.

While people are asking ,I am looking for kinders ,I am in mid-mo. I do not need papers. SW,Mo.

-- snow white (gawmonk@misn.com), March 12, 2002.

Well, while we're talking, I'd like to find someone who would like to TRADE. I've got 2 reg. Kiko doelings here, that I'm raising on the bottle so they will be easily handled. I have another 1/2 Boer/Kiko doeling, same story. I don't want to have to change bucks. This one has the itchiest horns in the universe and has tamed down finally. Lots of scratches! These are his daughters.

-- Judy in IN (whileaway3@cs.com), March 12, 2002.

i have 2 percentage boers available , one pregnant doe , bred to a 95% buck, he is also for sale, email me off the list if interested , i am just across the border of minnesota, in north dakots, SE corner

-- Beth Van Stiphout (willosnake@hotmail.com), March 13, 2002.

Hi Katie,

I know someone in North Central IL that has a great Boer breeding stock. You don't mention where you are. They are near Rockford IL. If you want more info., E-mail me directly and I will put you in touch with them. Darlene

-- Darlene in W WA (tomdarsavy@cs.com), March 16, 2002.

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