Donations being accepted for a : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hey Forum folks! We are accepting donations for an vehicle engine for a forum member--a disabled vet from Nam. A friend who needs a helping hand from all those who enjoys his posts. Email for more info. BTW-ALL donations will go to the fund. NO operating costs, wages etc will be taken out! Thanks folks. old hoot gibson. Matt.24:44
-- old hoot gibson (, March 10, 2002
Chuck, I need a new generator for my greenhouse. Can I solicit for donations on this forum too?
-- mac in AK (, March 10, 2002.
I'm a disabled vet ,, can I get some FREE money also?The really sad thing about you two is that if you really had a financial need, most of the good people on this forum would pitch in to help you out, even though you're acting juvenile about this.
Grow up.
The management
-- Stan (, March 11, 2002.
Well there is always an ass or 2 in every group .Maybe you guys don't remember the good old days , but helping a friend in need was not out of the question. When I asked for donations for someone on this forum Hoot was one of the first to reply and a nice sum to top it off .If you don't want to help then just be silent .Hoot sent me the info on where to send it .Thanks ~ Patty
-- Patty {NY State} (, March 11, 2002.
Hoot count me in,please email me with the info. My email has I sure hope the negative remarks will stop,help would not be asked for if there was another way. Get in touch with me Hoot.
-- renee o'neill (, March 11, 2002.
Patty, you put it so well! Unfortunately, there will always be some ninny with a stupid comment! And, by now, we all know who it is!
-- Ardie/WI (, March 11, 2002.
Patty and Ardie, I don't think name calling will help folks get along.There are enough folks who have been misled by these kinds of 'donations sought' notes that they have a right to be cautious. Do what you want, but it is not necessary to put out another's light for you to shine.
Personally I won't send money away like this because my donation dollars are limited and I know folks directly that I can help. I like to keep it local so to speak.
-- Anne (, March 11, 2002.
I am standing with Patty. I have an offer. I hope somebody will take it. I offer a dozen, very fresh and fertile, goose eggs. Also some fruit trees and bushes. I have an excellent selection. This is for a minimum of $25, $20 for the eggs and $5 for the shipping, I pay the rest of the costs. If you are interested, please send to Hoot. You will not be disappointed. I am a CountrySide reader for over 10 years. This donation is for remembrance of my Father-in-Law is a 23 year vet. died March 19, 1994. I hope someone will take it and not be disappointed. I know that this a good deal. Iren M. and son Adam
-- Irene M. (, March 11, 2002.
Count me in... Just let me know where to send it... God bless you, Kristean
-- Kristean Thompson (, March 11, 2002.
Hoot would not ask if he had any doubts about the person in need .I would rather give and take the chance of being burnt than to wonder if I could have helped.I don't have allot ,I am not in good health .But there is always someone worse off than me .I beleive if you give and help in your time of need it will come back to you .As far as name calling , I call them as I see them .Also wether you beleive in the reasons are soldiers go to war or not , they are protecting us and get allot of crap from there own countrymen and sorry to say are goverment to .
-- Patty {NY State} (, March 11, 2002.
In response to some of the-shall we say-hateful emails, my word of advise is to not give any money if you don't want to. At the same time-don't "trash" the effort/s put forth by all those kind hearted friends who want to help.Give as Almighty God leads you-not because it's recommended by somebody.
Old hoot. Matt.24:44
-- old hoot gibson (, March 11, 2002.
Sorry, I already sent all of my money to Miss Cleo!
-- gullible (, March 11, 2002.
Hey, Hoot's been gracious enough to organize this effort, so why can't the rest of us be gracious in return? Nobody has to contribute if they don't want to, so I don't see any need to belittle Hoot's efforts. A member of our online "family" is in need of some help, and this happens to be a guy who gave up a lot in order to serve his country (that's us, folks). His health is ruined, partly as a result of that service, and he recieves a pittance from our "grateful" nation in return. BTW, he hasn't asked anyone for help- Hoot has taken it upon himself to do so.I, for one, have been blessed way beyond measure, and it doesn't hurt me to share a little with someone who hasn't been as fortunate as I. (Which is not to say that I have an open checkbook, so don't ya'll go getting all excited, lol). If you are not inclined to help, just decline quietly and gracefully, and don't ruin this for the rest of us, please. If you're worried that this is a scam, it isn't.
-- Elizabeth (, March 11, 2002.
I haven't been on this group long,but long enough to know Hoot is a Christian man who cares for others. If sending a little money to help a vet, who put his life on the line for our country, is the need- count me in.I don't have alot,but I'll send what I can. Please send me the address,Hoot.
-- Johna (, March 11, 2002.
how do we know that the other 2 people arent in need? I knwo for a fact,, that ONE is a vet,, and was injured during combat. ANd yet,, all of you jump on him? WHats the diference between what they said,, and what HOOT said? I dont post here,, but injoy reading all the interesting information. These responses just baffle me. Can someone explain the differance from one person asking for money for another,, and the perosn asking for himself?
-- max (, March 11, 2002.
everyone is "in need" some way or another but anyway...why do these kinds of things here ALWAYS turn into some kind of controversy??Hoot, you're a good man for putting out the effort. Ignore the fools.
-- Dave (, March 11, 2002.
Gosh, the name calling was from those that SUPPORT Hoot.Another poster wanted to know if he could make a post requesting help too (no one has answered that ?), and a second poster is a vet interested for himself. I posted asking others not to degenerate into name calling and stated only what I was going to do. This should in no way be seen as a threat to your generosity.
By all means give, but don't expect folks to ignore their experiences and not comment. This IS a forum.
-- Anne (, March 11, 2002.
Hoot, you ol' Sky-Pilot. You: "Number one!" I think I know who you're collecting for, he's "one to ride the river with!" I will gladly send you a few dong for a veteran ground pounder who fought Charlie. I hope that you collect boo-coo dong so that he has a few left over for a bottle or two of Tiger piss.
--Happy trails, Cabin Fever
-- Cabin Fever (, March 11, 2002.
I have no idea who else posted looking for help , i did not read those posts .Unless you are talking about Stan and that other one .It's hard to want to help Stan when he does anyything he can to ruffle feathers.Stan was not really asking for help he was just being himself .I believe Hoot would give the shirt off his back if he thought you needed .The man is not in good health yet he helps .I did a collection a while back , he donated well lets say it was in the hundred of dollars {sorry Hoot I know you didn't want them to know it was you }That is why I trust this man .As far as name calling I called them "asses" could have been justified in allot worse name calling .Don't take someones elses troubles or kindness and turn it into an outlet for your one liners .
-- Patty {NY State} (, March 11, 2002.
Ditto to what Patty said!
-- Ardie/WI (, March 11, 2002.
Well, I see the usual sad state of interpersonal sniping is happening again. Everybody has got to get their little dig in whenever they can and you'll be outraged when someone returns the favor in one of your threads.Like the management said: Grow up.
-- Alan (, March 11, 2002.
I am thinking that I really, really wish I had not read this thread. Whatever is going on here anymore??
-- diane (, March 11, 2002.
Hoot, Please send me you address, I am sending myself a check to you. I'm withdrawing my offer from my other posting. I like to donate it myself. Irene M.
-- Irene M. (, March 11, 2002.
Hoot email me the address and I will send a little.
-- kathy h (, March 11, 2002.
Hoot, we have to put an engine in one of our vehicles, so I know what a strain it can be for someone in financial need. Please email me where to send a donation, and THANKS for caring and for doing this. Jan
-- Jan in Co (, March 11, 2002.
Hoot,E-mail me an address so I can send the cash (Loot by way of Hoot).
-- Ed Copp (OH) (, March 11, 2002.
Send me an address Hoot. I love you. Sissy
-- Sissy Barth (, March 11, 2002.
just be sure to get a recipt,, so we can deduct it on our tax return
-- Stan (sopal@net-port.coms), March 12, 2002.
In regards to what Stan posted and in order to avoid any confusion this is not a "tax free" fund and donations ARE NOT tax deductable. I will send a receipt to any contributor that wants one.The account is set up under the rules and regulations of the IRS. All the money has to be accounted for and used only for the purpose originally designated. If anybody has any questions--please email me. old hoot gibson. Matt.24:44
-- old hoot gibson (, March 12, 2002.
I just read over this thread and thought about what I wrote in my post. I can see where it might of been offensive to some who read it. However, I am positive that any Vietnam Vet would understand it and not be offended by it. Dong is the unit of currency in Vietnam and Tiger Piss is beer. Sorry if I offended anyone. --Happy trails, Cabin Fever
-- Cabin Fever (, March 12, 2002.
Send me info on vet who nees help. Maybe I can help them out a bit
-- Rich (, March 15, 2002.
Chuck, I have an honest question. I am not looking for an argument, but am really wondering if there is a policy on using this forum for raising money. If there is, what are the guidelines? Thank you.Sincerely, Daff
-- daffodyllady (, March 15, 2002.
Yeah, cabin fever, thanks for clearing that up... I was a little confused as to your sincerity. lol
-- daffodyllady (, March 15, 2002.
For things like this, where it is a sincere need, I'd say go for it.There is an offshoot forum set up for strictly commercial purposes, at the Barter Board.
-- Chuck (, March 15, 2002.
Thanks, chuck! You are doing a great job, by the way.
-- daffodyllady (, March 16, 2002.
An update. We are starting to get some returns this week but are still far short of what's needed. Any more contributions will be gladly accepted.To those who've already given--THANKS and God Bless! Old hoot. Matt.24:44
-- old hoot gibson (, March 20, 2002.
Anybody else who wants to help out send me an email and I'll return the info needed to contribute. The Bank address and other info will be sent to you. NO expenses will be take out for any reason. Receipts will be sent to whomever wants one. Thanks folks. old hoot. Matt.24:44
-- old hoot gibson (, March 27, 2002.