Fix For Viewfinder Flare : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I don't know if this Info has been posted before but the link below is to the LUG and has some information directly from Leica. Apparently, Leica is working on a fix to be available in the Fall of 2002. The cause of the flare was introduced when Leitz went from a flat mirror to a parabolic mirror for illuminating the frames.

-- Bud (, March 09, 2002


Very interesting - I was out with my M6 Classic yesterday and was getting white out quite a lot. Something I can't recal when using my old M2 many years back.

-- john Griffin (, March 11, 2002.

I used my M2 from 1972 until Nov, 2001 when the shutter and film advanced died for the second time. I had the camera serviced and it was back in use less than a year when it died again. I was faced with replacing the shutter or buying an M6. I went with the M6. The very first time I used it I experienced viewfinder flaire (incadescent light). I never had this problem with my M2.

-- Bob Gordon (, March 15, 2002.

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