My first crochet : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
Well, I know you will never believe this, but yesterday I had my first crochet lesson. Not such a big deal , huh?? Well you might change your mind when you find out WHERE, the lesson was.In my local fabric and crafts section at Wal-Mart. Yup I typed wal-mart. I was looking at books to see if I could find one that might be easy to understand. 2 ladies walked up next to me and began talking about making crocheted cutains. I asked if they knew which of the books would be useful for a beginner, and one of them told me she could teach me all I needed to know right there. She pulled a hook off the shelf, and some yarn from her purse and began the lesson, about 1/2 way through I looked up and saw my hubby approaching our little gathering. ( He had been in hunting section.) I smiled at him and said " Well be done in a few minutes honey." He just smiled real big and shook his head. He even stayed and listened to what the lady was teaching me. ( Now that is a devoted hubby!!) So after we were done with the lesson, My hubby bought me a complete set of hooks and some yarn, so I can practice till my fingers go numb. Just thought Id share in the funny story. Hope you enjoyed it. Kristean
-- Kristean Thompson (, March 09, 2002
What a wonderful story!! Yes, you probably got the best start possible, help from an experienced crotheter.Husbands can be so great at times! Have fun and soon you will be crocheting many different things.
I have made one bedspread, 1 hard pattern tablecloth and 1/2 way along with another tablecloth. These were suppose to be heirloom wedding gifts for our kids. Needless to say the tablecloth I am working on now is 7 years late and another one to start 3 years late. In my defense I had Carpal Tunnel Surgery finally on both hands. That knocked me out of the crochet ring for a long time.
-- Marie (, March 09, 2002.