sick chicks : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We successfully hatched 11 bantam chicks, and all seemed very healthy until this morning when four of them are listless. On had her hed bent around back a bit and the others were lying on their sides with out much movement. Can't tell eny other signs yet. Until now we've been feeding them non medicated chick start with 'chik quik' vitamin supplement. Have not introduced grit yet. Should we separate the chicks? Is there anthing we can do?

-- marcia friedman (, March 09, 2002


I would wonder about temperature problems. If the problem is contagious, it probably is too late to separate them. Grit won't help - that's only for when they are older. If they are in an incubator, I wouldn't think first of a disease but I am not an expert. I know how helpless you feel. On our first batch, my wife wanted to make sure that the eggs were humid enough so she poured water over the eggs often enough that she drowned all of them one day before they were to hatch. Good luck.

-- terry lesan (, March 09, 2002. old are they?? Are they able to reach food and water easily?? What temperature are you maintaining the brooder at? I have never had anything quite like this happen to me.

-- diane (, March 09, 2002.

Marcia, post your question on There are lots of professionals there and a poultry vet link. Good luck, this sounds scary, I hope all works out well. LQ

-- Little Quacker (, March 09, 2002.

It could be that these little guys have pasty vent and can't relieve themselves. check their bottoms, if you see a clog of feces then gently crush it with tweezers or use a warm wet rag to pick it off. then make sure they're good and dry. when you brood your own chicks it's imperative they stay warm. have the temp at 95* their 1st week, 90* 2nd week, and decrease 5* each week. if you do find feces stuck to their bottoms, give them some ground up oatmeal with their chick starter and it should help clear it up. and keep an eye on their bottoms to make sure they don't get clogged up again.

Another thought you see any tinge of red in their droppings? if so, it's likely they have coccidiosis which is something every chick will get. sometimes you don't notice they even come down with it and they'll get over it on their own. other cases are more severe and you'll notice them laying around and not being as active as normal. It's really best to use medicated chick starter to aid their immune system in fighting this cocci. in your case (if you do see blood in their droppings), i would get some sumlet at the feed store asap, then follow directions carefully.

Hope everything turns out well for you. and do post at the poultry connection like LQ suggested. good forum with lots of helpful people.

-- Buk (, March 09, 2002.

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