St. Patricks Day appetizer ideas? : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
On St. Pats day I'm having an Open House/Tupperware Party. I want to serve Irish themed snicky snacks...any good ideas out there? There will be kids and husbands here as well. So some goofy green stuff would be good for the little ones and probably some of the big ones too. Ha. Thanks in advance.
By the way...I really missed reading this forum when it went "kaput" yesterday. Glad we are back up.
-- claudia in NY (, March 09, 2002
devilled green eggs,, green beer, green popcorn,, anything,, just add green food coloring to it
-- Stan (, March 09, 2002.
I can send you an appetizer recipe, from my company's newsletter, and Ill even send a sample of the seasoning you need for free.
-- Kristean Thompson (, March 09, 2002.
You could really do just about anything and just make it "St. Patricky" looking. Such as frosting or dips could be tinted green, or put some shamrock or leprechaun decorations on or around them, etc. Anything Irish would go with the theme - potatoes, cabbage, corned beef. Like maybe tiny corned beef sandwiches, cole slaw, potatoe salad or if you want just appetizer type food try my Reuben Dip (recipe follows)and tiny new potatoes baked and made like large baked potatoes with sour cream, cheese, chives and bacon bits. Or you can boil potatoes and slice them in thick slices and top with the same type of topings.
this tastes just like a rueben sandwich!1 small can sauerkraut
1 (8 oz.) cream cheese
1 (6 oz.) shredded Swiss cheese
6 ounces diced corned beef
2 tbsp. Thousand Island DressingDrain and rinse sauerkraut, mix with cream cheese and Swiss cheese. Add diced corned beef and Thousand Island dressing. Cover and heat on low until cheeses are melted, stirring occasionally to blend all ingredients. Serve warm with crackers or cocktail rye bread.
I make this in crock pot and put on low to keep hot through the
-- Karen (, March 09, 2002.
I'm making a green cake iced w/cool whip for work. Reg. white cake mixed normal way & add lime jello.
-- DW (, March 10, 2002.