matte box/filter holder for sony wide angle : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread |
I recently purchased the sony vcl hg-0758 wide angle converter lens for my vx2000 video camera. Because of sunflare problems I am going to need a hood of some kind and would like the possibility of using an additional lens or two with it. I don't know of anyone who makes a matte box that would fit the sony lens. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
-- david banyan (, March 08, 2002
Chrosziel makes a matte box in 3x3/4x4 filter size. I use one on my vx-2000 also there is a company in england that makes a 4x4 matte box for the sony vx -2000..the FM-100
-- Neil Thomas (, March 23, 2002.
Try www.saferseas.comI believe they have one though it may use a step down ring to make it fit.
-- Maurice Durham (, April 06, 2003.