Tamarkin sells Ghurka? Anyone have a Ghurka?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Hey all, perusing my local luggage shop for a nice wallet I came across the ghurka make. Damm fine leather goods! Got one, but was expensive. Anyway, I know this isn't about cameras, but I noticed Tamarkin sells'em, guess quality cameras go well with other quality items. I was compelled afer the wallet to get the Garrison business bag too! Spendy, but talk about finely made. Gotta Ghurka?

-- Gavin (machineheadvr6@yahoo.com), March 07, 2002


Hi Gavin, I own Luttmann's Luggage and Fine Leather Goods in Princeton, NJ and I am a GHURKA dealer as well. I love my Leica stuff , but I own a leather good store. I wish GHURKA still made their Rangefinder Camera Bag - Marley Hodgson made it to fit a Leica "M" camera body and 3 or 4 lenses. It was beautiful - but it has been out of production for almost 8 years. The closest thing to it is the small Billigham bags. The Garrison business bag is the largest brief bag in the GHURKA line of cases. The amount of workmanship and leather brings it to $1,495. But it will last more than ten years with normal use. The classic GHURKA bi-fold wallet is available in Black or Chestnut vintage, double tanned saddle leather. Great construction quality - good looking and very durable.

Let me know if I can be of any help, in your quest for GHURKA.

Frank Ricatto 609-924-0004 Store Number

-- Frank Ricatto (luttmann@nerc.com), March 08, 2002.

I have two Ghurka wallets. They are excellent!

-- Wes (wbowman@mac.com), March 09, 2002.

I've used Ghurka luggage since I bought my 1st bag during a brief foray on Wall St. 12 years ago (point being I was making a lot more $$ back then!) & they are good stuff, indeed. I just got that old bag refurbished a few months ago by the factory out in Connecticut--even though they've changed the color of the leather over time, they actually keep the old leather in stock for repairs. Now that Frank Ricatto brings it up, I can remember the old Rangefinder bag when it was in their store in Manhattan, but I wasn't into photography back then. I sort of collect vintage travel luggage & the Ghurka stuff's retro look reminds me of the time when every bag wasn't made of ugly ballistic nylon & plastic. So, yes, they are kind of like Leica!

FYI, here's their web site: ghurka.com.

-- Chris Chen (Washington, DC) (furcafe@cris.com), March 09, 2002.

I should add that my trusty old Ghurka satchel works fine as a camera bag w/a small or large Billingham Hadley insert (Domke & Courierware inserts work, too).

-- Chris Chen (furcafe@cris.com), March 09, 2002.

I don't know much about luggage, I own Hartman; I just wanted to see three Chris Chens in a row. ;*)

-- chris chen (chrischen@msn.com), March 14, 2002.

Good stuff they have a nice wicker picnic basket for $2700.00.

-- Gerry Widen (gwiden@alliancepartners.org), March 14, 2002.

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