Interesting Stats on the : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I've been having a little bean-counting fun lately. Must be cabin fever, but anyway, I thought you all might be interested in some stats on the forum as it currently exists.This data will be useful when we "make the break" to the new forum, enabling us to make this thing self-sustainable. We are diligently working behind the scenes to get this accomplished with the least amount of hubub and difficulty. We are also endeavoring to make sure the forum keeps as much of the "look and feel" that we have now, with a few improvements. More on that later.
All numbers are approximate.
Anyway, you might be interested to know that:
- In the last month, over 1600 people posted at least one message.
- There are about 90 "regulars", people who post at least once a day.
- About ten people could be called "power posters", making over 100 posts a month.
- In the last year, more than 7,900 people (distinct users) came here to ask or answer a question. Wow.
- We are currently receiving about 400 posts (questions and answers) a day
- The site is growing. Our traffic for the first week of march was roughly double what it was for the same week in 2001.
Now, here's a challenge for you.
Who do you think made the largest number of postings (questions and answers) in the last twelve months? Can anyone guess?
I'll give you a hint, it wasn't Ken.
Have fun! and BE NICE. :-)
--Chuck (, March 07, 2002
Just for curiosity's sake, I was really hoping someone with cabin fever and lots of time on their hands would go through the recent thread on "Where do you live and what ages" and give us the stats from that post. Maybe I'll print that out and give it to my niece along with this info as a homeschool statistical project.
-- rose marie wild (, March 07, 2002.
I was wondering this morning - are all the provinces and territories in Canada, as well as all the states represented? I know we have Australia - what about New Zealand. And I know there's someone currently living in Hungary who 'reads' here, and if I'm not mistaken did I not see someone from the British Isles? (Could have been another forum). What an incredible resource to be able to get such a variety of opinions and advice from so wide and area.
-- Bernie from Northern Ontario (, March 07, 2002.
The people making daily posts (quotes/think about) would have to be up there, especially if they answer any questions in addition to their daily post.
-- BC (, March 07, 2002.
I'll bet Vicki and Diane are both power posters. :-)
-- Rebekah (, March 07, 2002.
Wow, I have no clue !!!
-- Thumper/inOKC (, March 07, 2002.
Mitch and Stan jump in often . I agree diane and Vicki hsve lots of good info to share. Hum!
-- sherry in Arkansas (, March 07, 2002.
I'll guess that Stan and Little Quacker are pretty close, with Mitch not far behind.
-- Bernie from Northern Ontario (, March 07, 2002.
You are moving?!? I just found you!
-- Pam(TX) (, March 07, 2002.
Apparently the statistic page has been put into "time out", its at the bottom of the question page; O.K. Chuck, were behaving, just don"t hit us on the knuckles with the ruler again.......
-- mitch hearn (, March 08, 2002.
From what I've seen Stan is THE power poster with Little Quacker and Mitch right up there. Are we moving soon? I've had one heck of a time trying to get on since last night and just finally getting here. I just hope it's still as easy to navigate as it is now-some of the other forums I've been to are horrible!(discovery/tlc for example)
-- Terri in WV (, March 08, 2002.
I don't read all of the questions but checked out some on Google. Ardie/WI has 208 entries in Google. Chuck only had 112. Just more proof that what you say in this forum quickly becomes available worldwide, for better or for worse.
-- Martin Longseth (, March 08, 2002.
In December of 2000 when I left the forum Ken had 900 plus posts and I was third with 711. I can't remember who was second but Vicki was right on my heels. I could be wrong but sheepish might have been second. BTW, were is sheepish ?
-- Joel Rosen (, March 09, 2002.
I think Sheepish left. Hope she comes back. Between the three addys I've used, I had over 750 posts, at least that is what Google shows, it must be more than that, because Google always seems to miss some of it, or puts the others on 'similar pages'.
-- Rebekah (, March 09, 2002.
Mines about 850 on Google between 3 different email addys. I have no idea who posted the most. I know it wasn't me. I answer allot but I hardly ever start one.
-- Cindy in KY (, March 09, 2002.
Yeah, but Martin, I think I've been posting here longer than Chuck!
-- Ardie/WI (, March 09, 2002.
Sheepish still dips in and out. Her figures will be confused, though, because she used different email addresses.Most posts? Probably Vicki. Stan has the advantage of minimal effort: he appears to try to limit things to one line or less.
-- Don Armstrong (, March 09, 2002.
Chuck, when are you going to tell us? :-) I've never been able to get the statistics page to load, I think the list of contributors must be too long.
-- Rebekah (, March 10, 2002.
Don, you got it. Vicki in TX had the most with just over 1100. Good guess!Cheers,
-- Chuck (, March 10, 2002. who had the most number of informative answers? And who had the best ratio of informative ones?
-- Audie (, March 10, 2002.
I think Vicki would definitely win on that too! She is also the top poster on the Dairygoats forum.
-- Rebekah (, March 11, 2002.