I live in Maryland.. What do you plant in garden this time of year??greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I always like to know what others do... This way I try other things.. Thanks James
-- JAMES (onemaur@yahoo.com), March 06, 2002
Find out your local last frost date from the county agent, plant indoors anything that takes the same amount of time to be ready to transplant after the date, adjust to later things with less prep time. Hold hot weather crops such as hot peppers, sweet potatos, melons until later in the year.
-- mitch hearn (moopups@citlink.net), March 06, 2002.
I plan in rotation... I quess.... I plant spring things, lettuce, spinach, radishes, ect... and when they are done, I replace them with carrots, or turnips, ect.. I get 2 crops that way, and dont find myself with 10 bushels of carrots to can at one time. I also have a neat trick my grandma taught me... After planting tomatoes, beans and other vegies bugs love to nibble, I go back ( about 2 wks) and plant a marigold , not the big ones or the yellow ones, Just plain common orange marigolds. Helps keep the bugs away. I also plant them in my herb garden. Just my two cents.... Kristean
-- Kristean Thompson (pigalena_babe@yahoo.com), March 06, 2002.
Hi JamesI think a lot depends on where exactly you live in MD - mountians or shore. Here on the Eastern Shore, because we warm up so fast, it's almost already too late to be planting peas! And that's when we've had a "normal" winter, not warm like this one has been.
Any of the cabbage family could be planted now. Spinach and chard too. Actually, only thing you'd have to wait on right now would be the warmer weather veggies.
Sooooooooo - depending on "where" you are - you could go out and have some fun getting some dirt under your figer nails! :-)
-- dottie in E. Shore MD (mother-ducker@webtv.net), March 06, 2002.
He Dottie, I'm on the eastern shore too. Whereabouts are you? Is it realy almost too late for peas? I was going to plant them this weekend. Gloria
-- gloria (mullnaxclan@webtv.net), March 06, 2002.
I live in Virginia near Fredericksburg. We planted peas and onions today. Lettuce and spinach is going in this week. Potatoes this coming weekend. Starting my tomato plants in the greenhouse this week.
-- Colleen (pyramidgreatdanes@erols.com), March 09, 2002.
James, Last November when the weather was so warm, I planted some spinach, it came up and is still growing though it is only about and inch tall. It should take off soon. I plan on putting out snow peas and some lettuces next week. I am probably a little late on the peas but then what else is new. I'm always late on the peas and no matter how much resolve, I never seem to get the lettuce planted every 2 weeks. I plant the first week and never plant more. My loss.I have given up on starting tomatoes from seed in the house and transplanting them. There should be tons of cherry tom. volunteers among others. They do as well or better than the transplants. I will probably buy some plants to put in.
The fennel from last summer is still there and coming back already.
-- LBD, Central Maryland (lavenderbluedilly@hotmail.com), March 09, 2002.