Baby Shower Favors Needed : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread

I am giving a baby shower in a couple of weeks and am looking for some unusual favors to give out. Something everyone wouldn't have seen at every other shower. Thanks!

-- Shirley (, March 06, 2002


I just typed in "babyshower" and several sites came up. Didn't have time to look at them, but maybe there would be something helpful at these sites.

-- Jo in PA (, March 06, 2002.

Don't have favor ideas but here's a centerpiece idea - make a diaper cake. Use a baby bottle as the center core. Fold cloth diapers so that they are half the height of the bottle. Wrap the diapers around the bottom of the bottle to form the first cake layer. Secure the end with a diaper pin. Wrap a second layer around the top of the bottle on top of the first layer but make it smaller than the bottom layer. Leave the nipple or cap exposed. Again secure with a diaper pin. Decorate the cake using ribbons and tie on pacifiers, rattles, or other small items. Even if the new mother plans on using disposable diapers, she can always use a few cloth diapers for burping cloths.

-- Cindy in NY (, March 07, 2002.

Know anyone that works at a local hospital? There Maternity Dept. probably has disposable formula bottles (Enfamil) that are 4 oz size. The nipples are disposable too, so they would probably give both to you for the asking. Soak off labels in warm water. Let dry and fill with pastel colored mints. Add nipple tie pastel curling ribbon around neck. I also added a pacifer cake decorating favor. Rally cute. I am an OB nurse and have access to all this. Where do you live and how soon do you need them?

-- Rhonda Vercellino (, March 24, 2002.

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