waste oil stove/furnace/heater

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I would like to get plans / ideas on how to build a waste oil burning stove or heater.

-- Monty Ray (ripp@ortrackm.missouri.org), March 05, 2002


Here is one source for Waste Oil Heater Plans, http://www.cyberport.net/russ/benjamin/

-- BC (desertdweller44@yahoo.com), March 05, 2002.

There was a discussion in the shoptalk section at www.agriculture.com. Click on Toptalk and that will give you the other discussion forums including shoptalk. You may have to page back to the older posts.

-- Darren (df1@infi.net), March 05, 2002.

Too many forums, I can't remember, was it even here? anyhow, Mother Earth News has plans on-line, a web search should locate the place.


-- paul (ramblerplm@hotmail.com), March 05, 2002.

anyone know if old gasoline/ diesel can be burned in one- stuff that has lost its vapor?

-- Kevin in NC (Vantravlrs@aol.com), March 06, 2002.

Diesel fuel is basically furnace fuel. Old diesel can be run through an oil burner real oil burner, or the waste oil kind. If it's contaminated with water, dirt, or algie your burner might go out, but little chance for real harm.

Old gasoline is just trouble waiting to happen. It's made up of all different compounds that vaporise & ignite at different temperatures. Just kinda bad to try to blend in with anything, you just never know what is going to happen. Heck, it might work fine 50 times with no problem - but, what if you are the 51st to try???


-- paul (ramblerplm@hotmail.com), March 06, 2002.

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