Toxicity Question/Garden : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We picked up an old bookcase frame alongside the road that I would like to use as a raised bed/. It is made of veneered wood covering chip board... couldn't say much more as for makeup/composite. My question is, does this stuff break down into something poisonous?
-- Sue (, March 05, 2002
If you really like the bookcase, how about growing flowers in it instead of vegetables....My motto as far as toxiness.. "When in doubt, throw it out!"
-- Harmony (, March 05, 2002.
It won't even be worth the effort. Pressed wood products swell up with water and fall apart in one season. And yes they are loaded with chemicals.Sara, Vashon Island, WA
-- Sara Perry (, March 05, 2002.
It will break down so fast it won't have time to poison your garden! :) Don't bother with it. Won't last a month in contact with soil. Soaks up like a sponge & falls apart.--->Paul
-- paul (, March 05, 2002.