Well drilling, is there a good book?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am gathereing information so as to drill a well for house hold use, local water is at 8 to 10 m. (24 to 30 ft), soil formation is heterogeneous and the ocational large rock is to be expected, due to this it would be good to know what it is about. That is the reason why a good general book would be ace. Also equipment and suppliers are things of interest. All info and advice shall be apretiated
-- Alex Mittelhölzer chaplin (lmmmcm@hotmail.com), March 04, 2002
The Home Water Supply written by Stu Campbell and published by Garden Way Publishing is a good all round source. I'd look for a used copy at www.bibliofind.com. You should be able to find a copy for less than $10.00. New in 1983 they ran $12.95.Story Communications, Inc. licenses the Garden Way Publishing name so they may be listed as the publisher.
-- Darren (df1@infi.net), March 04, 2002.
There's a copy of the above mentioned book on Half.com for $8.95.
-- Christina (introibo2000@yahoo.com), March 04, 2002.
Years ago there was a great article about "washing a well" which means you dig it with water from what I gathered. They claim it works in most ground. It was in Backwoods Home Magazine - look for them on the net at www.backwoodshome.com. The article was very informative and the method very inexpensive.Sara
-- Sara Perry (JPerry1218@aol.com), March 05, 2002.
Been tinkering in drilling for a hobby. It's the large rocks that will foil a rig made for dirt. Myself, I have a cabletool rig that cost me just over a thousand bucks that will go to 900 ft. in solid rock. But there alot of work and sometimes more expensive than my bargain. Don
-- Don (howarddrilling@hotmail.com), March 05, 2002.