How much starter feed for chicks : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I checked the archives, but couldn't find an answer to my question.

I picked-up twelve assorted chicks today. Was wondering how much starter feed should be set out so there would be enough to keep them fed daily, but not too much that it would be wasted/spoiled.

Would it be better to feed twice a day (morning/evening). If so, how much at one time for twelve.

Thanks in advance,


-- Rudy (, March 04, 2002


hi Rudy I think chicks should have free access to feed during their growing period. there are very inexpensive chick feeders that screw onto mason jars and give you a feeder that results in very little waste. but even if you simply put their feed in a bowl it'll take a LONG time for 12 chicks to eat their way through a 50 lb. bag of chick starter. relax and enjoy. at least before they start to smell up the place and produce the dreaded "chick dust".

-- B. Lackie - Zone3 (, March 04, 2002.

I always give my chicks free-choice starter feed. When they get old enough to "think" about picking through it for the good stuff, I switch them over to pelleted feed.

-- Marcia (, March 04, 2002.

ditto above responses. Aren't they just the cutest little things?? I am rather simple I guess, but I could sit and watch them by the hour. That and baby goat kids.

-- diane (, March 04, 2002.

I try to feed two or even three times a day for the first few weeks so I don't waste as much. I give as much as they want. They won't eat too much to hurt themselves, but they will waste a lot if you let them. A tip for you if you raise heavy breeds. Game bird starter is just about as cheap as chick starter and it has more protein. That's all I use now. If you can afford it, add some mnieral supplements to their water.

-- Joel Combs (, March 04, 2002.

Feed is always available to my flock, new hatchings to oldsters. I keep the hoppers filled. Feed is also always available to my large livestock and house pets.

-- ~Rogo (, March 04, 2002.

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