How do you can oranges? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My husband has brought back from Florida tooooooo many oranges to eat(only two kids at home now).I know there has to be a way to can - they sell canned grapefruit in grocery stores and mandarin oranges-but I can't find how in any canning book I own.Has anyone ever tried?(Maybe down in Florida?)I know I can make juice- but it would really be good to have some cold ambrosia in July!Thanks,Lisa Reddish

-- Lisa Reddish (, March 04, 2002


A web site on canning oranges and grapefruit...

-- Wendy Martin (, March 04, 2002.

I freeze mine whole, works great. I've kept some limes over 5 years the skin did freezer burn, but the plup and juice where fine.

-- Thumper/inOKC (, March 04, 2002.

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