Off The Film Metering? : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I have a Minolta CLE and as you know the camera "previews" for the shooter the approximate shutter speed and when shooting adjusts the shutter speed real-time off the film.

Does ant other Leica compatable camera function the same way:

M7 Hexar Voit. etc.

-- chris chen (, March 04, 2002


Voitlanders are all manual - so they can't adjust the shutter speed.

M7 - not according to the specs, but you never know...

Hexar RF - no

-- Andy Piper (, March 04, 2002.

Well since the shutter speed is set based on the reflected light off the white spot on the shutter curtain, this has to be done before the shutter is opened in the M6, M6TTL, and M7. However, there is no pre- flash metering in M6TTL or M7. Therefore, the flash exposure must be determined by light actually reflected off the film, both in the M6TTL and the M7. I assume (pretty sure) the Hexar RF works the same way (it has a shutter curtain spot to reflect light to the meter cell too).

-- Eliot (, March 04, 2002.


NO. The Hexar RF does NOT have TTL flash. It reads ONLY off the shutter spot.

Too bad about the non TTL- the main failing of the otherwise great Hexar.


-- RICHRRD ILOMAKI (, March 05, 2002.

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