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does anyone here make christian banners? would you be interested in sharing your patterns? sissy
-- Sissy Barth (, March 04, 2002
I did a web search to try to find you some patterns and was so surprised not to find any! I remember years ago these were very popular.I did find the following sites with examples of some. You could probably just "wing it" or you could cut out patterns from christian coloring books.
Here are also a couple of books I located. They could order them for you at your local christian bookstore:
SYMBOL PATTERNS - Ideas for banners, posters, bulletin boards.
Augsburg Publishing House.
1981. 745.5 AUG 40pp
THE BANNER BOOK Reasons for making banners, ways and ideas for doing them.
Betty Wolfe.
Morehouse-Barlow Company 1974. 745.5 WOL 1 64pp
-- Karen (, March 04, 2002.
Sissy, I have two books that are just like new. One is Banners for Worship by Carol Jean Harms and the other is Banners on Favorite Bible Verses by Sally Beck. They are great. I would be willing to give them both to you if you would be willing to reimburse for the postage. Let me know. Janice
-- Janice in Maine (, March 04, 2002.
Karen, I couldn't find any either! Thankyou for the websites. Janice, I emailed you. Thank you both! Sissy
-- Sissy Barth (, March 05, 2002.